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There are 17 individuals named HELLERMANN in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth

HELLERMANN, Johan (# 760 ) * about 1700 in Beesten, + before 1757 in

HELLERMANN, Hindrich (# 380 ) * 10.05.1723 in Beesten, + 28.09.1800 in Beesten

HELLERMANN, Catrina Gertrud * 17.03.1748 in Beesten, + in
HELLERMANN, Jan Erent * 16.11.1749 in Beesten, + in

HELLERMANN, Anna Maria * 02.11.1751 in Beesten, + 19.11.1751 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, Catharina Elisabeth * 00.01.1753 in Beesten, + in
HELLERMANN, Anna Maria * 03.03.1754 in Beesten, + 06.01.1767 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, Herman Christian * 06.10.1757 in Beesten, + 30.05.1760 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, Johann Steffen (# 190 ) * 27.12.1759 in Beesten, + 25.11.1827 in Beesten

HELLERMANN, Maria Aleyd * 29.07.1762 in Beesten, + in
HELLERMANN, Geert * 10.02.1765 in Beesten, + in
HELLERMANN, Anna Maria Aleid * 12.06.1768 in Beesten, + in

HELLERMANN, Anna Maria * 30.07.1773 in Beesten, + 06.01.1774 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, Maria Margaretha * 11.03.1778 in Lunden, + 25.03.1826 in Lunden

HELLERMANN, totgeboren * 20.08.1800 in Beesten, + 20.08.1800 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, totgeboren * 18.05.1802 in Beesten, + 18.05.1802 in Beesten
HELLERMANN, Maria Theresia * 08.10.1805 in Beesten, + 20.10.1805 in Beesten
Last update: 10.07.2002
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